Railyard Park and Plaza in Santa Fe

(505) 316-3596

From a Transportation Hub to a Community Gathering Spot with Gardens, Public Art & Play Areas

A Love Your Parks Tour Story of Change by Lisa D. Smith and Nancy J. Reid


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead


As part of our summer visit to Santa Fe, New Mexico we spent an afternoon exploring Railyard Park. The story of this 13-acre public gathering and green space starts way back in the 1880s when the first trains pulled into Santa Fe. Railroads transformed the world of trade and transportation across the world, and they had a good economic run until car travel and the interstate highway system rolled in. This led to the Railyard becoming a neglected brown space.

The Trust for Public Land New Mexico purchased the 50-acre property and gave it to the City of Santa Fe in 1995, with the agreement that 13-acres of it would become a conservation easement. The purpose of this land is to “assure that the Easement Area will be retained forever as a park, open space, and community gathering place, Rail Line corridor, trail corridor, and plaza area and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Easement area.”

Thanks to the efforts of the Railyard Park Conservancy, this 13-acre easement has transformed into a vibrant and popular park destination boasting 28 individual gardens, temporary public art exhibits, an outdoor performance space, picnic spots, and a children’s play area. The Railyard Park Conservancy works with volunteers and youth-in-service groups to maintain and landscape the gardens, and provide community and youth education programs.

For more about Railyard Park and the Railyard Park Conservancy visit www.RailyardPark.org



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Date Park Established Sept. 2010
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Phone Number (505) 316-3596
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