Lance Laber

We have found 6 items matching your search query.

Artist Ted DeGrazia’s Cabeza de Vaca Collection

Artist Ted DeGrazia’s Cabeza de Vaca Collection

ARTIST TED DEGRAZIA’S CABEZA DE VACA COLLECTION Lance Laber, Executive Director of the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun in Tucson, Arizona, talks about artist Ted DeGrazia’s Cabeza de Vaca Collection,
Ted DeGrazia Paints Padre Kino

Ted DeGrazia Paints Padre Kino

TED DEGRAZIA PAINTS PADRE KINO   Lance Laber, Executive Director of the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun in Tucson, Arizona, talks about artist Ted DeGrazia’s Padre Kino Collection, one of the p

DeGrazia’s Cowboys

DEGRAZIA’S COWBOYS Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Lance Laber, Executive Director of DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun in Tucson, about famous Arizona artist Ted DeGrazia’s work featured