South Dakota State Travel Guide


South Dakota became a state on November 2, 1889, at the same time as North Dakota. The Missouri River divides the state into East which is mainly agricultural and West, which is mostly ranching and tourism based. It is nicknamed the Mt. Rushmore State, but is also called the Coyote State or the Sunshine State.


South Dakota has two national parks,13 State Parks, 43 Recreational Areas, 4 Nature Areas, 9 National Wildlife Refuges, 2 National Forests, 1 National Grassland and 1 Wild & Scenic River. There are over 1300 Places listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 16 National Historic Landmarks, and 13 National Natural Landmarks.


“Hail! South Dakota, A great state of the land, Health, wealth and beauty, That’s what makes her grand.” by Deecourt Hammitt
Our South Dakota State Travel Guide Directory below is new and in the process of being built. If you run a business or organization in South Dakota, and would like to be part of this growing directory, please contact us. We will be visiting South Dakota soon so check back and watch our Directory grow: Parks & Public LandsArticles & InterviewsPark Gateway CommunitiesTravel Info & ServicesWhere to StayFood & DrinkSee & Do, and Shopping.

Restaurants, bars, clubs, gourmet food, coffee shops, eateries that are near to National Parks & Public Lands.


National Parks Arts Foundation Geography Books for Kids


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