South Carolina State Travel Guide


After the American Civil War, South Carolina was readmitted into the United States on June 25, 1868. Nicknamed the Palmetto State, South Carolina has a beautiful coastline, lush, tropical gardens, and several historic Plantations. It is home to 10 National Park Units.

“Call on thy children of the hill, Wake swamp and river, coast and rill, Rouse all thy strength and all thy skill, Carolina! Carolina!” Henry Timrod


Our South Carolina State Travel Guide Directory below is new and in the process of being built.If you run a business or organization in South Carolina, and would like to be part of this growing directory, please contact us. We will be visiting South Carolina soon so check back and watch our Directory grow: Parks & Public LandsArticles & InterviewsPark Gateway CommunitiesTravel Info & ServicesWhere to StayFood & DrinkSee & Do, and Shopping.

Restaurants, bars, clubs, gourmet food, coffee shops, eateries that are near to National Parks & Public Lands.

Attractions and activities near to National Parks and public lands.
Shopping in and around National Parks and public lands


Natchitoches, LA Springfield Tourism Council


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