Missouri National Recreational River

(605) 665-0209



Daniel Peterson – Chief of Interpretation, Education & Outreach, gives an overview of the history, nature and summer visitor experience at Missouri National Recreational River in Yankton, South Dakota, on Big Blend Radio.


Established on November 10, 1978, the Missouri National Recreational River is located on the border between Nebraska and South Dakota, and is home to a 100-mile stretch of North America’s longest river. There are two free flowing stretches that are the only parts of the river between Montana and the mouth of the Missouri, that remain undammed or unchannelized. Nicknamed “The Big Muddy”, the Missouri National Recreational River is also part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

From prehistoric cultures such as the Woodland Culture that dates back over 2,500 years, to the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discover Expedition that ran from May 1804 to September 1806, the river has served as a waterway and habitat for different people of the years, including various Native American tribes and of course, steamboat pilots.

One of the major North American migratory waterfowl flyways, the Missouri River and its island complexes provide feeding, resting, and breeding areas for water birds and furbearers. The natural vegetation includes floodplain forests of willow and cottonwood as well as elm and oak woodlands. Popular visitor activities include bird watching, canoeing and kayaking, fishing, as well as summer ranger-led programs.

The park’s Mobile Ranger Station acts as a visitor center on wheels, and travels throughout the Wild & Scenic River corridor and to local communities. The main headquarters for the park is in Yankton, South Dakota.

For more information call (605) 665-0209 or visit www.NPS.gov/mnrr.



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