Heart Attack Safety Tips for Travelers


By Dr. Jacqueline Eubany

Research shows that taking vacations is good for your heart. As a matter of fact, the more vacations you take, the less likely you are to die of a heart attack.

Vacations, can, however, trigger a heart attack in patients who are predisposed to heart attack. This can happen because while on vacation, people tend to be less strict on their heart healthy diet, consume more alcohol, are less compliant with taking medications, and engage in physical activity that is more grueling than they are used to.

On this episode of Big Blend Radio, Dr. Jacqueline Eubany shares heart attack safety tips for travelers and those in the tourism and hospitality industries.


Below I have listed 6 tips to stay safe while vacationing if you have a heart condition.

– Always have your medications with you. Don’t place them in checked luggage on the plane. In the event that your luggage is lost, or delayed, you don’t have to worry about missing medication doses.

– Always take a list of your medication and your medical problems with you. If you happen to need medical attention while abroad, the provider will know your history and medications and will be able to properly help you.

– If going international, check with your insurance provider about what, if anything is covered overseas should you need medical attention, and if nothing, you can consider obtaining supplemental travel medical insurance.

– Stay well hydrated at all times. Peak travel periods tend to be in the middle of summer when temperatures are the highest. Be sure to wear sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from sun, as well as drinking plenty of water.

– If you lead a sedentary lifestyle avoid tours that involve a lot of walking or hiking.

– If vaccinations are required, make sure you get them prior to your travel. Vaccines generally do not interfere with heart medications

For more heart healthy tips, checkout this new website I helped create with short videos on heart attacks – https://heartattackpedia.com/

Bon Voyage!

Dr Jacqueline Eubany is a board certified cardiologist and electrophysiologist, and author of the must have book “Women and Heart Disease: The Real Story”. With heart disease being the number one killer of women in the US, killing more women than breast and lung cancer combined, Dr. Jackie is on a mission to educate women on how to reduce their risk by up to 80%, how to recognize a heart attack earlier, and how to make the healthiest choices for your heart. More at www.womenandheartdiseasebook.com



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About the Author:

Dr Jacqueline Eubany is a board certified cardiologist and electrophysiologist, and author of the must have book “Women and Heart Disease: The Real Story”.

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