Georgia State Travel Guide


Known as the Peach State, Georgia was admitted to the Union on July 15, 1870 and is one of the original 7 Confederate states. It is home to 17 National Park Units that include historic sites, monuments, heritage areas, scenic trails and seashore.

Georgia is also home to approximately 46 State Parks and 17 State Historic Sites. It is also home to 1 National Forest, 9 National Wildlife Refuges, 1 Wild & Scenic River and 1 National Seashore, 48 places listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 49 National Historic Landmarks, 11 National Natural Landmarks, and 3 places listed as World Heritage Sites.

“Melodies bring memories, That linger in my heart, Make me think of Georgia, Why did we ever part?”  by Stuart Gorrell and Hoagy Carmichael.

Our Georgia State Travel Guide Directory below is new and in the process of being built. If you run a business or organization in Georgia, and would like to be part of this growing directory, please contact us. We will be visiting Georgia soon so check back and watch our Directory grow:  Parks & Public Lands, Articles & InterviewsPark Gateway CommunitiesTravel Info & ServicesWhere to StayFood & DrinkSee & Do, and Shopping.

Attractions and activities near to National Parks and public lands.


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