Cane River National Heritage Area




Big Blend Radio spotlight on the Cane River National Heritage Area and Louisiana’s No Man’s Land.

Located in northwestern Louisiana, the Cane River National Heritage Area encompasses the charming downtown Natchitoches National Historic Landmark District, Cane River Creole National Historical Park, as well as the Cane River National Heritage Trail, a Louisiana Scenic Byway that runs along Cane River Lake, and links to the Isle Brevelle Trail and El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail, with Longleaf Trail and Kisatchie National Forest on the outskirts.


This 116,000-acre region is home to a blend of French, Spanish, African, American Indian and Creole cultures, and is made up of historical plantation and agricultural territories. The heritage area begins just south of Natchitoches, the oldest permanent settlement in the Louisiana Purchase, and runs along Cane River Lake and includes Cane River Creole National Historical Park, seven National Historic Landmarks, three State Historic Sites, and a variety of historic plantations, homes, and churches.

Cane River National Heritage Area was established on November 2, 1994, and became a federally-approved management entity on August 6, 2010. For more information visit and download the CRNHA Trail Guide here >

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Natchitoches, LA




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