Lisa Evans: Travel Writer & Author



A regular Big Blend Radio guest contributor, Lisa Evans is a freelance travel journalist, photographer, and author. She has always enjoyed the outdoors and nature and often includes them in her work. History is another passion. Every place has a story to tell if only you find it.  Music is another area that tells great stories if only one will listen.  These passions, along with her admiration for beautiful, poignant photographs, pushes her to author stories and take photos to instill a desire in her readers to explore the world and discover new places.

ON BIG BLEND RADIO: Travel writer Lisa Evans talks about her travels and writing career. Watch here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Podbean.

She is a member of professional writing organizations TravMedia, SATW, NATJA, IFWTWA, and Travel Writer’s University. She has also authored a book, “100 Things to Do in Coastal Mississippi Before You Die,” available through Reedy Press. Lisa maintains a website at  Her social handles are @MyGypsyTravel and @100ThingsCoastalMS.

Check out Lisa’s articles and Big Blend Radio podcasts on and

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