DeGrazia’s Cowboys



Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Lance Laber, Executive Director of DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun in Tucson, about famous Arizona artist Ted DeGrazia’s work featured in the gallery’s new exhibit “DeGrazia’s Cowboys”!

Ted DeGrazia was a prolific regional artist whose work featured the people and cultures of the Southwestern desert. Best known for his depictions of the traditional Native American and Hispanic cultures of the region, the western cowboy was a less common but enduring theme for the artist.

The range-riding, working cowboys featured in this exhibit are a small subset of DeGrazia’s cowboys. His rodeo cowboys have previously been exhibited in DeGrazia’s Rodeo Collection, but most of these images of working cowboys have never been displayed before. 


Curiously, there are no cows in these works, but occasionally DeGrazia’s cowboys appear in groups of two or more, or with a pack horse. Square Dancing from 1950 is the only cowboy painting featuring cowgirls, but the template for his idealized cowboy is seen in the composition he painted over and over again, a view from behind of a lone mounted rider gazing into the distance.

DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun is a 10-acre historic district in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona’s Santa Catalina Mountains. It was designed and built from the ground up by Ted DeGrazia who achieved worldwide acclaim for his colorful paintings of native cultures of the Sonoran desert. Using traditional adobe bricks crafted on-site, DeGrazia built the gallery so his paintings “would feel good inside”. Visit


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