Celebrate California State Parks Week



This episode of Big Blend Radio’s “Nature Connection” Podcast features Jessica Carter, Director of Parks and Public Engagement at Save the Redwoods League, who discusses the 3rd Annual California State Parks Week happening June 12-16, 2024. Watch here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Podbean.


With more than 200 events, the public is invited to celebrate the third annual California State Parks Week, June 12-16, presented by California State Parks, Save the Redwoods League, Parks California, and California State Parks Foundation. Through special in-person community events and virtual programming, this week-long event celebrates California’s 280 state parks and the people who visit and help protect these iconic places.  A complete list of the week’s events and how to participate is available at https://castateparksweek.org/

This year’s themed days:

Wednesday, June 12: Explore New Experiences
From epic beach days to the magic of ancient redwood forests, there is so much to see, do, and experience in California’s incredible state parks. California State Parks Week is your invitation to explore an activity that you just might fall in love with.

Thursday, June 13: Nourish Your Health and Well-being
There’s a reason why playing outside, having a barbecue or picnic, or taking a walk in the open air feels so good. Studies have shown that time in nature can boost people’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Everyone should have access to these benefits. California’s state parks give us all places where we can find refuge, inspiration, and joy. When we connect with nature, we are connecting with ourselves and boosting our overall health.

Friday, June 14: Support Climate Resilience
Forests, oceans, grasslands, and other ecosystems throughout California’s public lands store huge amounts of carbon, making them powerful tools in adapting to climate change. That’s one of the reasons why it’s critical that all of us protect lands and waters. Learn about and support efforts by California State Parks and partner organizations to ensure climate resilience—from expanding protected lands in state parks and restoring forests to engaging in educational dialogue about climate threats and solutions.

Saturday, June 15: Celebrate Community and Culture
California’s state parks are for all people. We reaffirm this truth by elevating the perspectives and experiences of communities that have been historically underrepresented in public lands. On this day and every day, we honor Black, Indigenous, and communities of color and the many ways these communities care for, relate with, and enjoy our shared parks. Join us for celebrations and cultural events statewide.

Sunday, June 16: Care for Our Shared Lands
It takes our full community to care for public lands. Partners and volunteers are vital to keeping California’s state park system healthy, beautiful and rich in biodiversity. Discover how you can get involved in efforts to protect and steward California’s state parks as a volunteer, a partner, or one of many other roles.

Launched in 2022, California State Parks Week advances the “Outdoor Access for All” initiative championed by Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and the Natural Resources Agency’s “Outdoors for All” initiative. These initiatives expand outdoor access to all Californians through focused investments in open space infrastructure, outdoor programming, and improvements to permit applications, with a priority to support underserved communities.

California’s state parks preserve and protect the state’s natural and cultural history. In recent years, it has become abundantly clear that public lands play a critical role in making communities stronger, happier, and healthier. Our shared parks are places where everyone can connect with nature and find inspiration and joy. California State Parks Week is a fun way to celebrate the wonder and sense of community that the outdoors provide to Californians and visitors from all over the world.





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