Arizona State Travel Guide


Arizona is the 48th state and last of the contiguous states to be admitted to the Union, achieving statehood on February 14, 1912. The Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and is largely contained in the Grand Canyon National Park—one of the first national parks in the United States. Arizona is home to approximately 24 National Park Units, 25 State Parks, 6 National Forests, 9 National Wildlife Refuges, 2 Wild & Scenic Rivers, 1,400 Places listed on the National Register of Historic Places, 46 National Historic Landmarks, 10 National Natural Landmarks, and 1 National Heritage Area.

‘There’s something wonderfully healing in Arizona air.’ ~Zane Grey, The Call of the Canyon, 1924

Our Arizona State Travel Guide Directory below is new and in the process of being built. If you run a business or organization in Arizona, and would like to be part of this growing directory, please contact us. We will be visiting the rest of Arizona soon so check back and watch our Directory grow: Parks & Public LandsArticles & InterviewsPark Gateway CommunitiesTravel Info & Services, Where to StayFood & DrinkSee & Do, and Shopping.

Attractions and activities near to National Parks and public lands.

Watch our map grow as we visit and document more and more places in Arizona. This symbol tells you to zoom in, the number in the center tells you how many destinations there are in that area and are close together. The light green symbols represent parks and public lands, the blue symbol represents towns and cities, the red symbols represent local attractions and the purple symbols represent amenities like hotels, restaurants and shops.


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